ICS, a cancer funding non-governmental organization (NGO), operates by securing funds through donations to provide essential financial support for the treatment of cancer patients in need. To ensure effective follow-up and stay informed about the latest treatment updates for these patients, ICS employs follow-up agents who conduct outbound calls to gather relevant information. However, the current practice of storing this information in Excel sheets poses several challenges such as Time consumption, Loss of history tracking, Human errors, Inefficient out calling to patients, Data security concerns, etc.
Problem Statement
- Human Intervention: 100% human intervention. Daily it took approx. 2 hrs for allocating new patient to follow-up agent for that day & updating the previous days calling.
- Human Error: 100% human intervention hence chances of human error were high.
- Real time data: There was a lag of minimum one day. E.g. Today’s out calling data was processed the next day and in case the person is on leave it will be processed once he/she has resumed work resulting in dependency
- Improved data security & risk management: Data was maintained in excel sheet which was at risk of getting corrupted or anyone could easily tamper the data.
- High Time Consumption: 100% manual intervention. Time taken per hospital to prepare and send email was minimum 15 minutes weekly.
- Reduced productivity: Manually dialling of patient phone no’s which was prone to errors and time consuming
- Reporting And Analytics: 100% manual reporting. Reports had to be prepared manually which consumed lot of time
- Organized And Centralized Project Data: User has to physically be in office for data capturing.
Solution Strategy
To address these issues, we implemented the Salesforce platform, specifically leveraging the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) cloud features. This solution aims to automate call allotment, enhance history tracking, and streamline reporting.
Additionally, Salesforce’s mobile application facilitates efficient out calling. The transition to Salesforce eliminates manual errors, ensures comprehensive history records, and enhances overall operational efficiency for ICS. We helped the client build the entire flow from beginning to end taking reference from their existing flow and adding other required functionalities which were not in their existing system to run the flow smoother and hassle-free.
- The client can track the current state of policy on a single screen and take necessary actions if needed.
- The client has saved time in managing the teams and taking updates from them.
- There are almost no errors in the process if any can be traced and resolved sooner because of the system we have built.
- Customers are happy as they don’t have to worry about anything as all their work is completed on their behalf.
Salesforce NPSP Cloud features (Non-Profit Success Pack)
- Donor & Donations Management: It includes tools for tracking and managing donations, pledges, and grants. ICS is able to effectively manage their fundraising efforts by providing a 360-degree view of donor engagement and history
One Time Donation

Recurring Donation

- Mobile Accessibility: Salesforce NPSP is accessible through mobile devices, allowing ICS users to access and update the follow-up data while in the field or on the go. Dependency on desktop reduced drastically.

- Follow-up modules: Automated emails to hospitals, efficient and seamless calling to patients, call allotment to users based on language preference has been handled by customising the NPSP cloud features

- Reporting and Analytics: The platform provides robust reporting and analytics tools, allowing nonprofits to gain insights into ICS data and measure the impact of their programs and campaigns.Call allotment to Users based on Date & language preference

- Security and Compliance: Salesforce, including NPSP, prioritizes security and compliance. It provides features such as role-based access control, audit trails, and data encryption to ensure the safety and privacy of sensitive information. ICS can keep a track of field history changes and data corruption eliminated.