The University helps their Students to build them about Self Awareness by providing them learning Opportunities as well as getting Students out into the World to face the real life challenges. It is a fully philanthropic initiative with an aim contribute to society in a noble manner.
Customer needed a system for Education sector that can
- Capture Students information at a single place rather than storing the same at multiple level
- Login provision for Students to access the Courses they are interested into
- Provision of Portal that can be used to assess the students learning as well as their attendance in person
- Helps in broadcasting the message to every individual in terms of Notifications
- Missing 360-degree view of Students as well as their progress on exams
- Update the Minutes/Discussion done internally within the faculty members for the progress
- Missing Online payment when Students opt for specific Courses
- Raise a ticket in terms of any issues, suggestion,
- Custom solution developed for the students as well Staff using the “Experience Cloud”
- Students are provided the permission to block their attendance when they are in the Class room
- Geo-Locations are captured for each Students and “Check-In” as well as “Check-Out” of the classes to maintain the integrity.
- Multiple processes for Students, Hostels, Staff members and Announcements are developed in a manner so that information is broadcasted at a Run time.
- MIS is facilitated for the University so that all the information is available for the Stakeholder team
- Launching of application via native mobile application was done so that it is accessible from anywhere
- Integration with Razor Pay for Online payment for the students.
Process–Snapshot (Using Experience Cloud on Salesforce) for Students