Problem Statement

Prospect Creation

Needed a screen where user can fill up the basic information of the borrower/co borrower

  • Later can add info as and when they traverse through the various stages of prospect
  • Screening of Merchants through UnderWriting process
  • Prospect conversion to deal
  • After deal is closed , take survey with client through a form

Solution Provided

We designed a single screen where users can enter basic information of borrower and co-borrower and later they can fill up the information as they get it.Created a screen for the underwriting process where they can add/review and track the document.

On Prospect traversion users can send pre-approval letters to the borrower/co-borrower so, we created a user-friendly UI where users can send a text and an email to the client with the pre-approval letter in PDF form.

Requested Information Needed (RIN) / Underwriting Document

We created a design where users can request documents from clients. They can verify/track the documents and move it to the different stages according to the document they received. All the documents are stored on google drive and they can access the document directly in salesforce.

Stages : Upcoming, Ready to send, Sent,Revision needed,Completed,Submitted.

Users can archive the less important document and they can unarchive it as needed.

Users can add the documents/items from the categories and send it to the borrower to upload or any revision needed.

Client Portal

We created a screen for borrower/co borrower where they can upload documents and also can see the status of their uploaded documents.

Annual Mortgage form

Transaction Info Form

We take information from merchant about their property through a online form

Problem Statement: Agent Portal

Clients needed a module where agents should be able to download approval letters,Send Referrals to Loan officers,Also track the prospects and deals associated with them.

Solution Provided

We created a screen including all the functionalities at one place where agents can send referral to the Loan officer, also can track the status of their referred prospect and converted deals and can download approval letters and send it to the borrower/co borrower.


Agents can track the status of their referred prospects and converted deals.

Send Referral

Once a referral is sent to the loan officer it creates a prospect in salesforce.

Stats screen for agent

Loan officers can see which agent has done much of the business with them . Also they can see the number of prospects created ,# deals closed as well the closed volume with a particular agent.

Handwrytten Integration

Integration with handwrytten to send customized birthday wishes to the clients on their birthdays.

Housecanary Integration

Integration with housecanary to get all the information about the property like tax history,property information,year built etc.