- Maintain multiple systems for multiple needs – CRM, commerce website, Pricing modeling, Shipping/fulfillment, Taxations, etc.
- Current Shopify store was not a B2B centric store hence losing customer retention.
- Update the Product data from Sage to Store hence causing delay in updates and manual human errors.
- Manually followup and coordinate with Barrett(fulfillment system) for Order Shipment and Fulfillment.
- Not able to implement the innovative and uniquely thought Loyalty and promotional plans on the legacy store.
- Distributing samples based on the loyalty and Sku Ordered was trackless and hard to maintain hence don’t satisfy the purpose.
- Non-personalized checkout process for shipping, tax, and payment method was making the buyer unhappy and generalized.
- Setup the B2B Store front and redesigned it to customer needs as per Figma mockup provided to have the CRM and Store in one system.
- Designed and implemented robust integration with Sage to sync the Product, pricing and Order data.
- Implemented custom and smart integration to communicate with Barrett(shipping and fulfillment system) for relevant fulfillment information.
- Integrated OOTB integration with Avalara for product specific tax calculations in checkout flow.
- Architect and designed the custom Loyalty and Promotion module to suffice the flexibility of customer unique ideas for business development.
- Implemented custom Tester/Sample feature SKU specific as well as loyalty points specific to give customer loyalty experience and reduce business efforts to do it manually.
- Personalized checkout process for shipping, tax, and payment method helped buyer checkout faster and have good experience.
- Migrated all legacy data from all systems to salesforce.
Create custom components to have feasibility of applying loyalty and promotions. Accommodated Product Variations feature to Accommodate the need of selling the same products with different prices.
With the B2B Commerce template, you can quickly create a B2B store using Lightning Experience functionality and core Salesforce objects. B2B provides various features and is always in sync with Salesforce CRM which helps to track the data.
We set up a storefront with 3 integrations involved.
- Salesforce <> Sage
- Salesforce <> Barrett
- Salesforce <> Avalara
- Increase Customer’s Satisfaction and revenue growth based on the solution.
- Information is available 24×7, up-to-date and Real-Time.
- Increase in Customer’s Trust as Customer is called “God” in business.
- Complete 360-degree information for the Customers and their payment status
- In the first month of launch Naturopathica’s revenue doubled with a new storefront and many new welcoming features.
- Flexible loyalty and Promotions module encouraged buyers retention to increase by 30%.
- Central Order data for all buyers of the same Account made it very professional, transparent and a good experience for the Business buyer.
- Saved Human efforts and errors resulting in accurate and reliable data to help take critical business decisions.
- Single view of Loyalty, promotions and tester/sample on the cart page gave a holistic and clear view to buyer hence improving repeat orders.
Setting up a storefront
Standard OOTB allows users to drag and drop the component by a tool called experience builder.
Setting up a storefront, creating catalogs, assigning products to those catalogs, entitlement policies, setting up a buyer user.
OOTB features are vast and multiple themes offered by Salesforce can customize the store. We followed the figma file given by our client and replicated it in a similar way to match their requirements.
The Naturopathica project involves 3 custom solutions which are not provided by OOTB. We have architected the solution in such a convenient and robust way that it is so flexible for the naturopathic admins to understand and play around.
Naturopathica also sells CBD products which are few in quantities but we have configured that as well along with that Avalara setup is done for the CBD products.
Customization involved
- Loyalty Credits : We have created a LWC component on the cart page that helps to utilise the loyalty points against marketing category products. Loyalty points first will be earned based on account tier and based on a certain percentage of the total amount of the cart.
- Promotions Module : We have created a LWC component on the cart page that helps the customer to apply promotions against the cart items/total.
- Tester products : We have created a LWC component on the PDP with a checkbox to add a tester/sample product with a master product. This gives the user the ability to add a sample product and also get additional tester products if needed by the loyalty credits. This is manipulated in the cart page.
- Customised home page with matching figma file which was provided by the Naturo team. It included multiple custom banners, sections which showed best seller products.
- Customised section to show ingredients of the product on PDP. What all ingredients and how to use that product was completely mentioned on the PDP.
Based on the figma file we have matched the exact requirement of the customer and created a home page.

Product PLP
Once the catalog is created, products are assigned to it. Product listing pages can be configured by standard as well as by custom. Products are shown on the PLP with a listview according to the requirement. Here we have also set the quantity rule which is OOTB. For example, products can be purchased in min quantities of 3/6 etc.

Product PDP
Products to be shown with various details along with the ingredients section which we created here for some specific products you will see a tester checkbox. Along with that custom text for description is also provided.

Creating Footer
By experience builder we created a footer and redirected to various links.

Cart page
The cart page is fully customised because we have implemented multiple LWC components mentioned earlier. In order to apply those promotions, Loyalty crei=dits we wanted to give full flexibility for the user so that based on his requirement he can check what all things are applicable and apply at the cart. Once checkout, we have also configured the shipping rates and avalara tax based on the customer tier.